Why should one care about learning how to humble yourself at work and everyday? What does being humble even mean? And, how does that even relate to a person’s wellness, I hear you say?
Well, did you know that being humble can greatly improve your personal and professional life?
Also think about when was the last time you enjoyed being in the company of someone who was a bit self-absorbed, bragged a lot, was not so kind, and speaking over you all the time. I bet you didn’t like that very much!
By processing more humble qualities (opposite to the above) it’s been found to be one of the most important attributes for growth, building trust, and facilitates learning, which are key aspects of leadership and personal development.
So what do you have to lose?
We’ve put together some of the ways you can humble yourself at work and every day and highlight the wellbeing benefits you can gain.
Page Contents
11 Ways On How To Humble Yourself:
1. Listen more and speak less
No one likes a chatty Cathy so avoid dominating the conversation. It’s best to let others speak first and hear their thoughts, ideas and opinions. And I mean ‘really’ hear them! Often when people are speaking, we’re not actively listening but instead busy thinking of what we can say when they’re finished instead. So be conscious of this, and once they’ve stopped speaking, digest what they’ve said before replying. This shows a colleague, friend, partner etc. you value what they have to say and by listening helps you dial down your own pride.
2. Admit to mistakes
It can be a hard pill to swallow and it happens to everyone. But making a mistake and trying to cover it up, shift the blame or give excuses is not a good idea and does more harm in the long run. Co-workers will think less of you and it can affect your brand/ reputation. So, it’s always better to apologise when wrong, focus on fixing the problem and ask for help. By doing this, it shows you aren’t stubborn, selfish or unwilling to look perfect. It also highlights that you understand mistakes happen to everyone, and it’s how you handle it and support others (who also make them) that really matters.
3. Show appreciation
Showing your appreciation is a great quality to have. You know you couldn’t have gotten where you are without the help of your colleagues, family, friends, mentor etc. So thanking them for their contributions and support to your successes is important. Also appreciating others’ talent and qualities matters. Congratulate and complaint them! By doing this, it not only shows that you care but it also helps you recognise the qualities that you want to improve and attain.
4. Be open to criticism
There is always room to grow, no matter how awesome you are at what you do. And, a key way to help this is by welcoming criticism. By seeking honest evaluations of your work not only is a sign of staying humble, but it’s also a golden opportunity to improve your game. So, why not chat with your boss or mentor to find out where you could improve, and then speak with others in your workforce or professional circle that excel in those areas for advice to enhance your capabilities.
5. Acknowledge your faults
When it comes to judging others, what good is it really? We all do it from time to time, but this negative way of thinking only causes more issues than good – often affecting our relationships. So, instead of looking at other people’s flaws why not look within and see where you could improve yourself.
6. Accept setbacks
Accepting your failures is an important lesson and one that will help humble you by the experience. Those who are successful in their lives have struggled with failure but didn’t let it keep them down. By accepting it, it not only shows humility but also challenges them to learn, grow and do better next time. As Eloise Ristad said, “when we give ourselves permission to fail, we, at the same time, give ourselves permission to excel”.
7. Practice yoga
There’s a reason why those who do yoga are more in tune with themselves and the world around them. It’s a practice that focuses on love, being kind and showing gratitude. Through strengthening your breath, body and mind it helps to keep you grounded, calm and balanced. Many practice yoga multiple times a week and often attend adventure yoga retreats for a reset and to gain its wellness benefits.
8. Be grateful
It’s a quality that we often overlook and forget to practice, but it’s a crucial one in helping us to stay grounded. Yes, life has its ups and downs, and we should try to be more thankful for what we do have. Your success, loved ones and health could be gone tomorrow so dwelling on what we don’t have today isn’t productive or healthy. Be kind to yourself and focus on what you do have – even if it’s the smallest of things.
9. Avoid bragging
Oh, so annoying right? The Bragger! That person who keeps rambling on about their achievements, or even worse lies about them. Yes, you might be winning at life at the moment – a promotion, new house, partner, marriage, baby, travelling the world – whatever it is, best not to talk about it all the time and let others bring it up if they wish to discuss. Otherwise, it might come across as though you think you’re above them. Plus chances are people have already started to notice your achievements and will respect you more for your humility for not boasting.
10. Helping others
To help others, who can’t help you back, is a sign you’ve learned humility. By doing this kind act, it allows you to appreciate what you have and forces you to see everyone as equal. Also, there is no greater satisfaction than being able to help another, plus by giving back it enriches our lives and makes us happier. As said by Gerald Jampolsky, “through our willingness to help others we can learn to be happy rather than depressed.”
11. Spend more time in nature
Sometimes we can feel like the world revolves around us. So, by spending more time in nature, it will help us see how big and complicated it is, and realise that we’re not at the centre of it. Going for a hike in a rainforest, standing near the bottom of a waterfall or swimming in the ocean are some things that will help you appreciate nature’s depth, power, beauty and longevity. Being in its presence will humble you and make you realise that it isn’t all about you.
What are the benefits of being humble?
How do you know when someone is truly humble? Well, there are many benefits and signs of a humble person:
- They cope much better with anxiety when it comes to their mortality
- They show higher self-control which leads to more successes in their lives
- They are more likely to help others in need and are typically more generous
- They excel in leadership positions as they’re better liked and respected, resulting in greater effectiveness
- They achieve better work performance and results
- They have better relationships as they accept others for who they are, which leads to stronger bonds being formed
Did we miss anything? Please share your tips on how to humble ourselves at work and every day.
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